Christie | Hammond | McDonald |
DEERING | Hardy | Paisant/ Payzant |
Dupuis | Heydt | Porter |
Dougherty | Kimball | Warner |
Gates | Leonard | Watson |
Hammar | MARTIN | Welch |
Shirley Village Cemetary | Hammond Family Bible | |
The names above are family names that intersect with my portion of the family tree (there are many more as you get further from this intersection). All of the families represented on this site cross through Catherine Marilla Hammond and Joseph Francis Deering who were married on November 24, 1904.
My great-grandfather, Michael Francis Deering (c. 1800), is as far back as I have been able to research at this time in the DEERING lineage.
My Grandmother was, Catherine Marilla (Hammond) Deering, and her line goes back to John D. Hammond (October 25, 1814 - December 23, 1891). The Payzant line comes through the Hammonds and intersects with them at Amelia Payzant (May 31, 1818 - June 24, 1898) who married John D. Hammond, and her line goes back to Guilluaume Paisant of Normandy, (1565)
My mother's lineage goes back to Blandford Nova Scotia as far back as 1848 as Gates or Gaetz through her Father Emrick Paul Gates and her mother, Nellie (Porter) Gates, goes back to Randall Wilson Porter and Annie Bradshaw who moved to Cochicuate, MA, in the early 1900's..
If you are part of the Payzant / Hammond lineage tree you will be interested in the following book:
Marion M. Payzant, The Payzant and Allied Jess and Juhan Families in North America, Semline Inc. Wollaston, MA, 1970